הכנה לנסיעה לאומן לימי ראש השנה ה’תשע”ב – באנגלית

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באר בשדה

Uman Rosh Hashanah- what is it?

 And why are we
going there?

How to take advantage of your stay, the most possible…

To make the maximum benefit…





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Author: Mota Frank      translated from Hebrew to English: Yanky

This year- 2011
– 201 Year Lestalkut Mohara”n Beuman –  everyone is
going to Uman!

Thousands of Jews are
gathering in Uman, to the grave site of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov- for the
holy days of Rosh Hashanah, to keep his will to
expedite the process of redemption and salvation…


כי ראש השנה הוא יום הדין של כל השנה כולה!

My friend, think for a
moment for yourself, several times during the past year, you suddenly faced
a situation of:




Lack of success…


Traffic accidents,
missiles falling, bombs…

Visits to the hospital…

Billboards for funerals
of young people…

Raising money for orphans
and widows…

Fall of shares on the
Stock Exchange… Bank overdraft, credit line problems…

Problem of boys and girls
dropping out… to drug addiction, etc. …

I have no doubt that this
will wake up in you, the inner cry of the depth of your heart…

Daddy, father in heaven!

can we do? What can we do?

is the way out of this trap, the way out of this situation?

Again, my friend, please think
again for a moment: how many times last year, you felt the opposite, you
had occasions to feel:



List of Shidichum from a

Wedding invitations…

Economic success and
sudden unexpected profits…

Kol Torah of hundreds of
Yeshiva boys…

Even that, I have no
doubt, have awakened in you, spontaneity, happy feelings, and great joy flooded
your heart until the outbreak of your throat:

daddy! How great are you!

כמה אתה רחמן

טוב להודות לדולזמר לשמך עליון

Wow! What do I do, how do I escape the trap, how do I
change the sorrow

My friend, you must be aware:

All these hard feelings-
fatigue, depression, and feelings of helplessness- they are usually derived
from the grim reality: of disasters, diseases, and problems…

The same is with all the
good, happy feelings, and motivations, that are usually derived from the joyous
reality of: economic prosperity, and nachas of your kids…

All this was judged and written on the past Rosh Hashanah…

Listen well my friend; I
have some great news for you…

There is available a great lawyer, his name is Rabbi

He declares himself that he can deal with your case…

He can take you out of your pain…

He will shine with his light so you should be able to
see the path…

You can start driving again; put your feet on the gas

He will fill your car up with gas and give you the
best oil change…

What is left for me to do????

To come to him…

Yes, just to come to
his grave site…


 Pray all the prayers…

Tell him what you are
going through the entire year…

Let him do the work for you, for your wife and kids, your entire
family, and the Jewish nation…

Come to him on your court date…

Come to him for Rosh Hashana…

What? I have to leave behind on these days, my wife
and kids?

it can be very difficult to separate from your family on Rosh Hashanah, but you
know and your wife, your kids and parents know…

wouldn’t we do, in order to get unconvicted on our court day? For sure if we
would know that with going, we fasten the coming of messiah and the redemption
of Israel”

Therefore, do not hesitate! …

Prepare yourself, to the service of the great lawyer…

Attach yourself to him…

Listen to him…

Take his advice…

Believe him…

a flight and join the rest happy clients of the powerful lawyer…

you will be next to him, you will for sure feel, like all the other clients,
he clears the mind of impurity that gets infected during the entire year…

He adds new spirit into

He will wake your heart
up for Tshuva…

The fire of believe and
faith will burn in your heart again…

Moods, clean feelings, pure thoughts – will bombard you from the inside…

You suddenly will feel
like you’re able to pour your heart out, for the Creator of the world, on these
holy days…

Nachman will make all the effort, to get you unconvicted…

Hold on a second, who is this Rabbi
Nachman, who is this lawyer?

Rabbi Nachman, the
founder of Breslov chasidus, was born in Medzhybizh, the city of
his great-grandfather, the “Baal Shem Tov” the founder of chasidus…

His mother,Mrs Faigy,
was the daughter of Adel the daughter of the Baal Shem Tov. Her husband
was a student of the Baal Shem Tov, a hidden tzadik named Simcha…

Rabbi Nachman was born on
Rosh Chodesh Nisan 1772. And passed away the 18th of Tishrei 1811…

His life was short, approximately -39 years … But essentially full of
content, the Essence of his life on earth was:

To engage in repairing the
souls of Jewish people… large or small… and to strengthen the souls of the
fallen ones, and to prepare them to properly be ready for the redemption,
speedily in our days…

But what does Uman have to do, with all this?

Nachman left the town of Breslov
to Uman, only like a half year before he past away…

saw clearly the frantic preparations for the day of his death and burial in
Uman – as he himself stated that:

His entire intention is to
continue, even more, harder, correcting Jewish souls for the salvation…

Among other things, his
intention was, Jews should come to his grave site and recite the ten chapters
of psalms he discovered, which are referred to as:


In particular, he
discovered his mind and will:

He intends to continue to
deal with repairing souls of Jewish people, and to prepare them for the future
redemption, by superstitions pleas and requests, songs dances and study of
Torah observance – while gathering, the souls of every Jew, at his grave
site every year, in Uman, on Rosh Hashanah…

Again, I don’t understand: why Rabbi Nachman?

You asked an excellent
question … But listen well, my friend…

 Right, a lot of righteous people took upon
themselves the task to deal with healing Jewish souls … But, only Rabbi
Nachman, he was the only one that made a big deal if you will
come to his grave site…

It was so important for
him your coming to his grave, That he also promised before two witnesses …
Yes, you heard good my friend! Rabbi Nachman also paid witness to his
promise, Rabbi Aaron the Rabbi of the city of Breslov,
and Rabbi Naftali, and he told them:

“Even after I pass away,
all those people who will come to my grave, and will recite the ten chapters of
Psalms, I discovered, for TIKUN HA’BRIS,and give money to charity for my soul…

if he did very harsh sins, God forbid, I will take all my strength, to help and
fix him…

his payos I will pull him out from gan henem”…

Well, you tell me: Have
you ever heard from other Tzadikim promises like this?!…

But what about the holiness of Israel?

Nachman, was one of the great Tzadikim during recent generations, who
considered that every Jew should emigrate to Israel…

Nachman himself took great risk of loosing his life during the Great War
between France and Turkey
… and Traveled to Israel…

Nachman’s Seforim are full of exciting quotes regarding the sanctity of Israel…

no doubt, when Jewish people join the call of Rabbi Nachman to his grave site,
in order he should heal their souls, and to hurry up the redemption – then
certainly there is no separation, and certainly no disrespect, to the sanctity
of Israel…

understand that a president, mayor, governor, senator, of any country, must at
some times leave the country, the same is with Israel, some times we have to
go, to G8 summits, and to NYC for the U.N Convention and to Geneva conventions
for the sake of Israel…

Now we have a huge convention “The Uman Rosh Hashanah Convention”,
it is very urgent for our holy land, and for its residents and to the Jewish
nation from all over the world…

But let me understand again- why the days of Rosh

year round it is good to come to his grave site, but after what he
promised, for gathering at his grave site on Rosh Hashanah, we got to go…

Rabbi Nachman urged his
students, that whoever believes in him, they should gather together at his
grave site, on the holy days of Rosh Hashanah, and enhance learning Torah,
observance of Mitzvahs, and say Tikun Haklali, and all the prayers, and to
increase happiness and dances…

I will quote you here a
couple of quotes that Rabbi Nachman said to his students, and you will
understand, what it meant for Rabbi Nachman,  your coming to Uman  for Rosh Hashanah…

Nachman said…

“What should I tell you;
there is no greater thing, than being by me for Rosh Hashanah, on Rosh
Hashanah, everyone got to be by me”

Rosh Hashanah exceeds all”…

It was
surprising for me: since the ones that are close to me, believe in me, why
shouldn’t all the people that are close to me, be by me for Rosh Hashanah…

My Rosh Hashanah, no one should
miss, because my whole thing is just Rosh Hashanah…

Rabbi Nachman warned; make
announcements, “that anyone, that listens to me, and who is close to me, should
be by me for Rosh Hashanah, no one should miss…

And who gets to be by me on
Rosh Hashanah, deserves to be very very happy… אכלו מעדנים ושתו ממתקים כי חדוות דהיא מעוזכם

This verse is about Rosh

“My New Year is a great
innovation… God knows that I didn’t inherit it from my ancestors… God gave me
this gift… I know what Rosh Hashanah is…

For sure, you all are depending
on my Rosh Hashanah; the entire world is depending on my Rosh Hashanah”

“On Rosh Hashanah, people can
get Tikunim, what they can’t get during the year…

Even though in middle of the
year, sometimes I could not repair them, but on Rosh Hashanah they can get a

Rabbi Nachman added: “that he
does on Rosh Hashanah Tikunim that he could not do during the entire year”

Every year the amount of
people doubles, last year the numbers had reached more than twenty-two thousand
people – from all tribes and ethnic factions and formulas –all these people
come to fulfill the will of the Tzadik which asked to come to his grave site on
Rosh Hashanah, on the court day, to win the trial, and speed up the eternal

You still have doubts on joining this holy journey? You are still
not sure that your place to be on the court day is the most closely possible to
the great, powerful, successful lawyer?

This year, join these thousands of people!

Yes, this year- dip yourself- in the same river that is cleansing
all stains!

Yes, this year- wash yourself- in the flowing river, by the נחל נובע מקור חכמה!


This year, gather together on Rosh Hashanah in Uman, near the tomb
of Rabbi Nachman…!

Take the great service of the powerful lawyer; take him to stand to
your right side by the trial in the court house, to get you and your family

With going, you are taking a part; to bring quickly the salvation of
the Jewish nation: to be held soon:

וידע כל פעול כי אתה פעלתו ויבין כל יצור כי אתה יצרתו ויאמר כל אשר נשמה באפו דאלוקי ישראל מלך ומלכותו בכל משלה



Author: Mota Frank
translated from Hebrew to English: Yanky Schwartz

A gift from heaven in the latest days of exile –
Uman Rosh Hashana:

We are not exaggerating if
we would say that in the past 200 years, have been used oceans, rivers, lakes,
for ink, and trees for pens and pencils, and thousands of cloud for paper, in
order to explain on a small surface the wonderful and free gift that we
inherit from heaven, in the latest days of exile called Uman Rosh Hashana

The big gift of the
gathering of Klall Yisroel on the holy days of Rosh Hashana which is the end of
the year that passed, and the beginning of the new year that is coming in, by
the source of the soul, on the rest place of the holiest of the holiest, our
holy Rabbi, Rabbi Nachman Ben Simcha Ben Faigy in the small town of Uman…

There in Uman, in the
holy four feet of his grave site, are gathering tens of thousands of Jews,
under the big tree, everyone finds rest, peace and tranquility under one of the
branches and leaves…

People are begging and
pouring their hearts out with prayers, for the creator of the world, and having
thoughts of Tshuva and regrets from the deepest of their hearts, in order to be
forgiven on what they did until now, and to prepare and take upon us from new,
a new year with fear for God and happiness, holiness, and purity, with the help
and strength of the flowing river the נחל נובע מקור חכמה.


The strength and power of
Rabbi Nachman is to purify and clean Jewish people, and lighten up in everyone
the light of holiness and happiness, with singing and dancing and with
hope and faith that from now on, we will work more on ourselves to multiply “good
points” of learning Torah and prayers, and do Mitzvahs and good deeds and to
secure ourselves and get saved from bad things and sins…

This is the strength of
his holy grave site, Rabbi Nachman has the great power to lighten up even the
people that are far from Judaism, together with the ones that are close,
everyone together are finding their ways, the right paths and the best
directions to add strength in Torah, prayers, Mitzvahs, and good deeds and to
stay far from sinning during the entire year…

thing goes according to the beginning and the end: הכול הולך כפי
ההתחלה! והכול הולך אחר

*  *

this is true, but in order to get to that, in order to be a receiving object
to be able to receive in us the worthy gift of Rosh Hashanah in Uman, we
need to plan properly every step and stage of the trip, on such holy days…

Just as big the chance
is, there is the same amount of danger: כי את זה לעומת זה עשה


There are great amount of
strength of power from the Yetzer Hora, he as well knows what the gift Uman
Rosh Hashanah is, he feels the danger, he knows that Jewish people will purify
themselves and do Tshuva and get a chance to dip themselves in the water of
knowledge and wisdom in the river that purifies from all stains, on the day of
Rosh Hashanah…

Therefore he is preparing
too, preparing all his dangerous weapons, in order to steal, rob and spoil the
precious gift of Rosh Hashanah in Uman…

Therefore everyone got to
buckle up for safety like a brave warrior with all kinds of weapons to our
waists, strong your friends, and to your
brother’s say, stay strong!

 In order to know what to do and how to plan to
get rid of the evil Yetzer Hora and to take advantage of every second of these
holy days, in order to receive in us the high value of these days, in order to
rush for us and the entire Jewish nation to the ever lasting redemption.

*   *   *

Dear brother and friend,
you have here the manual book for your holy journey, it should be for you great
help for every step of the trip, it should give you the right tools, and
weapons, in order to fight the enemy who wants with all his power to take away
from you the precious gift Rosh Hashanah in Uman…

Therefore, gear up all
your weapons like a brave warrior, refresh every minute your “open fire” instructions, in order the result
of the battle should be all the time in your favor, and in favor of the entire
Jewish nation, like our holy Rabbi used to shout and say:

only you guys that are here by me on Rosh Hashanah, are depending on my Rosh
Hashanah, the entire world is depending on my Rosh Hashanah”

He meant to say: every
one of us is like a messenger, a שליח

In favor of humanity, in
order it should happen as soon as possible:


וידע כל פעול כי אתה פעלתו ויבין כל יצור כי אתה יצרתווהיה דלמלך על כל הארץ“.

*   *   *

what you bring:

From the beginning of
your preparation for the trip, make sure that you have all your religious
articles that you need for the entire journey:

 Talis, Tfilin, Sidur, Machzur and Seforim that
you want to use during your stay…

Also clothing for
weekdays and for Yom Tov, pocket money for the small expanses, make sure
you have a valid Passport + Visa (if you have an Israeli Passport) health
insurance + eating and sleeping arrangements, and a place where to pray…

ברוך אתה בצאתך

Pack all your stuff the
most compact possible, if you can succeed to narrow it down to take it
with you as a “Carry on” is even better, therefore every extra object leave

I hope that in the past
weeks and months before the trip, you succeed to excite your entire family on
the privilege of taking part in the trip with letting you go…

if you didn’t do it yet, don’t
give up!… start now on the moment to explain, convince and to excite
them… in order they should also have a part in your trip…

Now, that it came the
time to depart for your trip, say good bye!!! For your wife and kids,
with kindness and love…

make an effort to leave a
good and sweet taste for them before you go to Uman to be by Rabbi Nachman
for Rosh Hashanah…

The moment has arrived,
convince yourself over and over:

am not going to party, I am not going on vacation, and I am not going on a
yearly fun trip…

The entire purpose of the
trip is:

get close on the day of my court case that me and my entire family will be
judged, the closest possible, to the best and most powerful lawyer out there…

Yes, this, and only this is,
the reason of my journey…

Therefore, the second I
leave my house, my mind is on:

how to appear to my lawyer,
what evidence, proof and testimony to give for him, in order he should succeed
in defending me and my family…

It is true that I want
that my entire stay in the court house should be comfortable, I want to have
good food by the lunch break, I want to sit on a normal chair, but I do not
forget even for a second the reason and purpose why I am here in court house…

Therefore, from this
moment and on, take everything that happens easy, all the pressure, the
shoving, the Balaganim, the long flight and bus ride, the problem with finding
your packages, take everything easy…

what is all this problems when
you have to prepare for a court case…

From the second you enter
the Departure hall in the airport, make all the effort to be Mekadesh the
name of God and the name of the Tzadik in public…

try to attach your eyes
to a Sefer…

try to attach yourself to
a good friend and schmooze with him about the big trip and the big days
coming up – it will also help you not to stare at all the provocative
pictures and sites that can be seen in a airport…

You should know the
Yetzer Hora is also here right now; he is also taking a flight to Uman, and
guess what? He is on your flight, sitting next seat to you, and on the entire
way he will try to make you sin; do not give him easy access to all the rooms
in your brain…

Stay clean, fresh, with
a lot of tranquility, that’s the name of the game, like that you will be
able to be a receiving object to receive the worthy gift that you are about to
get in the upcoming days…

כי בשמחה תצאו


Pass the check in, get
your seat for the flight…

board the plane on time…

and sit down on your

Treat everyone on the
flight nice, thank all the staff that are helping you and making your
flight easier…

Now you have a couple of
hours to rest on the flight and to gather strength for the upcoming days, and
to think spiritual thoughts, in order to be a proper object to inherit the
worthy gift from heaven, Uman Rosh Hashanah…

Finally, you are getting
off your flight, either in Kiev or Odessa, a new challenge is coming up…

Look for your suitcase
with calmness and tranquility, take it easy, the Yetzer Hora is hiding here
and he wants to confuse you and get you mad in order you should act up…

don’t give in for him…

deal with him with
calmness, relax yourself, in a short time you will find your package and go
with the bus for a three hour ride to your destination Uman…

When you sit on the bus
on these three hours before you get to Uman, use all your blessed talent to
convince yourself again and again:

that the only purpose of this
trip is to get the closes I can get and to spend as much time as possible, with
my lawyer, in order to get unconvicted in the case…

This is the only reason of my trip…


ברוך אתה בבואך


you get to Uman, look for your apartment…

I hope
that you made sleeping arrangements before you came, and if not, you should
know my friend! you are now at the most dangerous intersections ever, watch
yourself from the Yetzer Hora, because he can easily get you into depression,
sadness, and anger, god forbid…

Do not let yourself fall into his hands like a ripe

Tell him, I am my own boss! Not you…

you get to Uman, or even still in middle of the way, connect to two or three
people that are in the same situation as you, and together work on finding a
nice apartment the closest possible to the four feet of your purpose of your

into account, that in order to solve your sleeping problem in Uman, you need to
have on you, between $50 to $500 cash for your entire stay.

a bed can go from $10 to $20 a night, far from Rabbi Nachman’s grave site and
the synagogue, in worse case you must me prepared to pay from $50 to $100 a
night, if it is more closer to the grave site…

friend, the second that you understand that the entire purpose of the trip
is to be the closest possible to the great, big, powerful, lawyer ever, if this
will serve better the purpose, than its all worthwhile…

nearby residential apartment is also safer spiritual and physical…

Take this to your attention!

The entire world depends in my Rosh Hashanah!


I hope you finally put
yourself together.

I also hope you have made
arrangements for all your meals during your stay, and if not, there are some
groups that arrange meals for public and groups… try to contact them and become
part of them… there are also individuals who are looking for people to join
their meals and eat with them together… hurry up to take care of it…

There is also hachnusas
orchim that serves the crowd hot and cold beverages and cake, almost 24 hours a
day, across the front yard of the holy grave site…

The second that you know
already where you will stay and eat, you are in the wonderful gift that the
Jewish nation earned before the coming of messiah…

You should know my
friend, that from this moment on, everything depends in “only you”

You are the one who
designs the entire gift, the graphics of the gift, is your behavior on the
upcoming days…

Therefore, the weak person should say, I am strong!!!!

Say to yourself:

that the entire upcoming year,
is depending in my behavior of the upcoming days…

my life and the life of my
family are depending on these days, the reality of the Jewish nation and the
entire world is hanging on my contribution, everything will depend in my
behavior …

Oh! Great responsibility… but also great joy and privilege to take part
in designing the redemption…

Therefore, say to
yourself over and over again, right:

I also have to find myself a
few moments for rest and vents…

Yes, I may have a little chat
with some friends…

True, I got to have it, but
only for a ventilation window, not more than that…

window, and back to work!

The second that you wake
up, do not let the Yetzer Hora and his soldiers rob from you the worthy

I know well why I came

I know that the purpose
of my journey is, to make effort and to pour my heart out for the creator of
the world and to increase…

Saying Tikun Haklali and the
prayer of Rabbi Nathan…

Slichos, Shachris, Mincha, Mariv,
slowly with calmness and intention…

Tikun Chatzos… Hisbododis…

In order to get close to
the great lawyer, that promised to do everything to defend us on the court
day, and to help us and our families and the entire world through Torah
study and observance desalination work on our stay at his grave site…

Therefore, because this is the all point, come on! Lets not let the Yetzer
Hora spoil the goal…

So my dear friend,

Run as much possible to the
kloyz and Torah lessons…

Run as much possible to the
holy hall of Rabbi Nachman’s grave site and courtyards surrounding it…

Find yourself a spiritual rest

של נעליך מעל רגלך כי המקום אשר אתה עומד עליו אדמת קודש היא


Listen my dear friend, our
holy Rabbi Nachman, that by his holy grave site you are standing now, he
waits to hear your sweet voice of prayers, he wants to see you pour your
heart out with pity and pleas for God our creator…

Rabbi Nachman promised to
help all those people who come to his grave site and recites the ten chapters
of psalms, the

TIKUN HAKLALI, and give money, even a penny for charity for his

He said that he has the
ability and power to help all these people who will come to his grave site on Erev
Rosh Hashanah and Rosh Hashanah…

Now you are standing by
his grave site on the days of Rosh Hashanah…

You are now maintaining his will –
lucky you!

Rabbi Nachman said to his
followers that even after his death, when someone will come to his grave and
shed a prayer from his heart:

he will stand in the next room,
and hear and listen to every word, to every sigh of pain that is coming out of
the depth of the heart…

Don’t be afraid…

Don’t get confused because you are surrounded with thousands of people…

Rabbi Nachman also has a phone line…

Try with all your
strength to reduce your thoughts and to centralize all your talent in order to
get full attention from Rabbi Nachman, tell him what bothers you during the
entire year…

My dear friend, while you
are now standing by Rabbi Nachman’s grave site, along with thousands of Jewish
people that gathered from all over the world…

Take some good advice:

Close your eyes, imagine
yourself, you are now entering the room of Rabbi Nachman, just as it was
customary when he was alive, imagine yourself, Rabbi Nachman sitting on a chair
next to a table and is waiting to hear from you what you got to say, he listens
to every word you say, he listens to every sigh, he listens with a open ear to
all your pain…

Tell Rabbi Nachman all your trouble…

Ask him to arouse pity from heaven…

Explain him that your
will is to do the will of the creator of the world, but the Yetzer Hora, is
interfering and ruining everything…

Beg him that from heaven
they should give you strength not to give up! You should be able to serve God

Tell him about your
personal life too…

If you are still single,
tell him what’s bothering you when it comes to finding a mate…

If you are already
married, tell him in details about your wife, your relationship with your wife,
tell him about your kids…

Tell him also about your
difficulties with making a living, tell him how your boss treats you…

Share with him, what your
relatives and neighbor and friends are going through…

Ask him he should beg
for you together with all the Tzadikim in heaven for an eternal salvation …

Know and believe that it is not to imagine the
satisfaction you cause for the soul of Rabbi Nachman by pouring your heart out
by his grave site…

Thank him for giving us
such a wonderful gift, the gathering of the Jewish nation on Rosh Hashanah by
his grave site…

Thank him that he earned
you, along with all our brothers to wake up strong thoughts of Tshuva…

Thank him and return to pray, cry and beg…

בהתאסף ראשי עם יחד שבטי ישראל


You should know my
friend, you have many options in Uman to water your thirsty soul, I will name a
couple of them…

Go to the Kloyz as
much as possible during prayers and lessons… Especially has a
large and important issue there should pray for the prayers of the
first day of Rosh Hashanah with everybody Saint … And most with
the exclusion of the King… 

Many Torah classes and
lectures are arranged for you there during these days, from important
influences, follow the publication of the classes…

You should know my
friend, that many groups, large and small, gather there in Uman,
together with their leaders, be sharp enough, quickly absorb the groups, look
for yourself in all these groups, maybe you will find what your hungry and
thirsty soul is searching for a long time…

Try your luck with the
group of Rabbi Shalom Arosh Shlita, or Rabbi Shalom Sabag Shlita.

Or you might find rest
for your soul by the minyen and group of Rabbi Eliezer Shlomo Schick Shlita.

Follow the deliveries of
lessons and saying the Tikun Haklali with Rabbi Eliezer Berland Shlita.

Also try to join the
group of the Jerusalem Breslov
community, or the group of Satmer Chasidim from New York, or the Chabad

Find the group of Yeshiva
boys, “Moreshet Ha’nahal”

Try your luck with the
English speaking group of Rabbi Menachem Krammer Shlita.

Also search for the group
of Rabbi Nissan Dovid Kioak Shlita.

There is also the group
of Rabbi Pinchas Bunker Shlita.

It may also be good for
you to join the Kumzitz, the outpouring of the heart and soul,
songs of yearning and longing, held each year, the second night of Rosh
Hashanah, at 12 AM until about 2 o’clock in the hall of the grave site…

There are also groups of Breslover
Chasidim from France, the group of Rabbi Avraham Yifrach Shlita and Rabbi
Benzson Shlita.

Perhaps you might like to
integrate dancing endlessly with the Na Nach groups or maybe helping
them sell the holy Seforim of Rabbi Nachman in their stalls.

But above all, make every effort to go again and again, more and more
to the grave site of our lawyer…

Join the minyen of the
Yemenite congregation held in the hall of the grave site.

Join the group and sing
along from the depths of the heart with the Sephardic minyen in the
courtyard of the grave site.

Join the sweet, ever
lasting prayers of the minyen of Rabbi Yitzchak Meir Morgenstern Shlita,
which is usually held every Rosh Hashanah in the back yard of the holy grave

My brother, my friend,
enter all your spiritual strength with the rest Jewish souls that are gathered

Give for the Tzadik
your work for God, in order we should be able to rebuild the temple of
redemption and salvation for the Jewish nation…

Operate all the sirens

Keep on memorizing the work and duty placed on your shoulder…

Jump and dance during the

Yes, you may cool off,
drink a cup of tea and coffee and refresh yourself with the tasty food of the
Hachnuses Orchim, but even then, make them sacred with a blessing on the food
and words of Torah and friendly conversation with your friends, before, during
and after, but do not let the Yetzer Hora turn the fire against you…

Do not let him God
forbid carry you, to his capitals, to his markets, to his streets, to his filthy
places, which are like minefields around our army base…

Remember!!! The Yetzer
Hora and his army know what is ahead of them, they tremble with fear for your
success, and therefore, they prepared the bunkers, markets and shops, where
they hide qassam rockets and scud missiles in every corner…

Please!!! Stay away from them…. Do not land on their

Remember well, all you
have to do here is, give your body some rest… feed him and water him- in order
to run immediately back to the grave of Rabbi Nachman, to gather more and more
Torah, Mitzvoth and good deeds, dances, Torah classes and friendly
conversations with friends…

משמרת הקודש


You should know my
friend; there is a group in Uman, called משמרת הקודש‘…

They are appointed on
behalf of all the Breslov Rabbi’s and leaders, to help eliminate any hazard for
your spiritual soul…

Their intentions are
pure, they do not intend, God forbid, to harm you, their total interest
is to help you, to pass the days of Rosh Hashanah with purity…

Help them! – You will help your soul…

The experience of the
past years showed, that many of the goyim there, according to their reality low
standard life during the entire year, they are mistaking us, as low tourists,
looking for passion and relief, God forbid…

The local gentiles,
usually do not approach, the ones that their looks, are like a Chasid, they
usually pick on those of us with more modern looks, or more non observant

You should know, the
Yetzer Hora, is tricking us here, he is involving one of his most dangerous
bombs, that’s why this organization was established…

Remember this well… their
goal is to remove the evil of the local goyim, their goals is not to fight you…

You can also use the help
of the   משמרת הקודש in terms of security situations of the local, lawless thieves…

Obey them help them, listen to their advice, and you
will gain…

Eat quickly and drink quickly

Remember well, everything
regarding your physical part, here in Uman, all you need to do here is to give
your body some rest, feed him and water him, in order to be able to run
immediately back to the grave site, back to the Kloyz, to gather more and more Torah,
Mitzvot and good deeds…

If you do so, you will save yourself! You will save
your family! And the entire world!

I have no doubt my
friend, when you will do all the above, you will feel a spiritual satisfaction
and endless enjoyment…

It will accompany you
throughout the year where ever you will be…

The moments of flames of
Tshuva will accompany you all year round…

You will change… your family will change…

All the people around you
will also want to feel the feeling that you feel and with that you will
sanctified the name of God in public and publish the name of Rabbi Nachman…

If you do so, you have a
part in the discovery of God, and you will soon be able:


לראות מהרה בתפארת עוזך, להעביר גילולים מן הארץ, והאלילים כרות יכרתון, יכירו וידעו כל יושבי תבל כי לך תכרע כל ברך תישבע כל לשוןוהיה דלמלך על כל הארץ ביום ההוא יהיה דאחד ושמו אחד“.

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